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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Vitamins and Minerals Become Illegal Dec 31, 2009

The Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by ... all » the World Health Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to health freedom has never been greater.

This is the first part of a series of talks by Dr. Rima Laibow MD, available on DVD from the Natural Solutions Foundation, an non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about how to stop Codex Alimentarius from taking away our right to freely choose nutritional health.


phuketpoofter said...

This is really happening people, and I am a sceptic for 'conspiracy theories' - but it is all there. everything is. You have to do something about it if you are an American. I am not American. I am English, but it will affect us all. Everyone and every person.

If you have a cold, you won't even be able to get eccinacia.

Ever heard of death by Eccinacia?

It takes an email. It takes one small step by just the right amount of people.

This is not for our own good. Vitamin C cannot be bad for us. They're trying to kill us by Nutricide. It's damn wrong, and people have to see this video. I am personally making it my mission to tell everyone I know who cares - as a lot of people don't - about this. Something has to be done.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a country where we had freedom to choose even God gives us that choice. Something needs done before its too late for us to have a choice. Let us know exactly who to contact regarding this