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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Vitamins and Minerals Become Illegal Dec 31, 2009

The Codex Alimentarius is a threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition. Ratified by ... all » the World Health Organization, and going into Law in the United States in 2009, the threat to health freedom has never been greater.

This is the first part of a series of talks by Dr. Rima Laibow MD, available on DVD from the Natural Solutions Foundation, an non-profit organization dedicated to educating people about how to stop Codex Alimentarius from taking away our right to freely choose nutritional health.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Trans Texas Corridor Plans to Pave over Branch Davidians

Stu Nelson
January 7, 2008

Lets go back in time to February 28, 1993. We watch on the TV news as agents from the BATF storm a building somewhere outside Waco Texas. We hear that 4 BATF agents are killed. The news tells us all these people are religious gun freak fanatics whose leader is a child molester. Is that an accurate summation?

Well, for those of us in Texas, we have largely considered the best view of Waco was in the rear view mirror. Waco was a city you drove thru to get somewhere else. And, we had certainly never even heard of "those Branch people" before. Most of us did not really know what to make of this standoff outside Waco. The FBI, BATF, DPS, etc. ran pretty good propaganda…for a while.

This map shows the Branch Davidian property (in light red) off of Double EE Ranch road and the rebuilt Davidian church itself (circled in red) directly under the planned route of the Trans-Texas Corridor (the diagonal dotted line.

Continued . . .

Strand businesses becoming multi-lingual

By Steve Porter
The Herald

Street signs remain in English

Myrtle Beach—The influx of foreigners into the Myrtle Beach area has sparked fears among some residents that the city might become a bi-lingual community such as Miami, San Antonio or San Diego where Spanish seems at times to be the predominant language on the street. One of the gripes heard most often is about the local business telephone answering machine that requests the caller to press “1” for English.

There is no doubt about the influx of foreign language speaking people and it’s hard to ignore the fact that many Grand Strand businesses are providing information to consumers and workers in two languages, if not more in some cases.

Most of the big box stores, in fact, routinely post signs and advertising in both English and Spanish.

Myrtle Beach’s city government is also trying to accommodate non-English speaking visitors and immigrants. Mark Kruea, the city’s public information officer, says the city has no plans at this point to start posting bi-lingual street signs and other services as one might find in a city such as Miami.

Continued . . .

S.C. to stick with voting machines

Election devices criticized, banned in other states
The Associated Press

GREENVILLE --S.C. election officials say they still plan to use touch-screen voting machines despite the fact that other states have banned the use of similar systems made by the same company.

Last month, top election officials in Ohio and Colorado declared that Election Systems and Software's iVotronic is unfit for elections.

The ban was prompted by a study done for the state of Ohio in which researchers found that electronic voting systems could be corrupted with magnets or with some handheld electronic devices, such as Treos.

"We've reviewed the report and we remain confident in the security and accuracy of South Carolina's voting system," state Election Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire said.

But the S.C. League of Women Voters has renewed its call for the state to record votes on paper as well as electronically to allow for accuracy checks, though there have been no documented cases of actual election tampering.

"It's very difficult to get evidence that somebody tampered with the vote if you have no way of knowing what the vote was before they tampered," said Eleanor Hare, a computer scientist who participated in a study of the machines by the S.C. League of Women Voters.

The machines have been used statewide since 2006.

Continued . . .

Howard Stern Loves Ron Paul

**WARNING** Howard Stern can't contain himself and uses plenty of freedom of speech that might be found a bit much. Viewer discretion is advised.

America's Third World War

John Stockwell: America's Third World War
video by Kurt Nimmo, truthnews.us

How 6 million people were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Osama bin Laden is Dead

Murdered by intelligence agency supported terrorists

Who murdered Benazir Bhutto?
The two issues may be related

When Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan to take a stand for democratic government, 3million Pakistanis greeted her at the airport.

Now she is dead.

At the 6:15 mark in this video, Benazir Bhutto refers in a matter-of-fact manner to "the man who killed Osama bin Laden."

If this was a misstatement, she did not correct herself, nor did the interviewer call attention to it.

Before she was murdered, there was a previous attack on Bhutto's life. She told David Frost that she was not even allowed to file a police report let alone get a serious investigation of the attack.

She stated that she specifically wanted the source of the financial support of the terrorists traced.

Saeed Sheikh is the man Bhutto refers to in this interview as being the killer of Osama bin Laden.

Saeed Sheikh is charged with killing Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl who tracked the relationship between Pakistani intelligence and terrorist groups. Saeed Sheikh is also suspected of having wired money to Mohamed Atta on behalf of Pakistani intelligence right before the 9/11 attacks.

George Bush & Company wholeheartedly support the current Pakistani regime.


CIA Cocaine - Then and now




On and on it goes
Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Webb, the journalist who broke the original CIA-Crack story in the 1990s, was rewarded by his employer the San Jose Mercury with a demotion.

He was also hounded out of the journalism profession by a smear campaign whose participants included the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Examiner.

In 2004, Webb who remained active as an independent journalist reportedly, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head - twice.

Webb joined three other men - authors Danny Casolaro and J.H. Hatfield and artist Mark Lombardi - who "committed suicide" after getting too close to Bush family secrets.

I asked a mathematician to calculate the numerical odds of four American men who all were interested in this subject committing suicide and this is what he said:

"Examining the male U.S.suicide rate for recent years, we can extrapolate a conservative estimate of 17 male suicides per 100,000 people, or 0.017%. The odds of 4 specific, male biographers committing suicide would be the 4th power of 17/100000, or 8.3521 4.913 x 10^-17...roughly 1 chance 10,000,000,000,000,000. About as good a definition of impossible as you can get.

A person would stand a better chance of playing the Canadian lottery 6/49 exactly twice in one's lifetime and winning the grand jackpot BOTH TIMES! (That is, picking 6 numbers out of 49 possible numbers and matching all 6 numbers out of 6 random draws, on 2 separate occasions, and having only purchased two Canadian lottery tickets ever.)

This calculation should be regarded as a conservative estimate: the actual odds against such a "coincidence" would be much greater. For example, if any of the biographers were female, the odds would be even greater."

See also--


by Alan Stang
January 4, 2008

Recent passage by the District of Criminals of the legislation known colloquially as the Veteran Disarmament bill raises the question of why the conspiracy for world government would want to disarm returning veterans. The conspiracy trusted these men to use the most devastating ordinance abroad; it does not trust them to keep and bear much smaller weapons here at home. The obvious answer is that these are the millions of well trained military men I was talking about in my recent piece about a possible assassination threat to Dr. Ron Paul.

These are the men the psychos at the top are afraid of, the men who can stick the red dot in their eye from a mile away. The psychos know these men are out there, watching, stewing, temperatures rising every day; they are beginning to understand that they are dying now because the psychos have poisoned them with Depleted Uranium in the field.

They are beginning to realize that the buddies and the limbs they left behind in Iraq were lost not in defense of this beloved country but in behalf of the megalomaniacal nightmare of conquest the psychos think is “normal.” Now the veterans understand that the monsters who sent them half way around the world to get sick are dismantling the system of freedom the Founding Fathers gave us here at home.

Continued . . .

Bush Prepares to Pass Baton to Hillary

by Paul Hogarth‚
Sep. 24‚ 2007

The Washington Post this weekend reported an off-the-record meeting that President Bush had at the White House with various pundits, where he predicted that Hillary Clinton will be the next President. Bush is shaping his legacy, said the Post, and is planning to make it feasible for his successor to keep us in Iraq. It’s a sharp contrast with Hillary’s support among Democratic voters, who think she’s more likely to get us out of Iraq and are more likely to view her as “liberal” than John Edwards or Barack Obama. But if you parse Hillary’s statements, she has left enough wiggle room for a Clinton Administration to stay in Iraq for a while. It is easy to dismiss Bush’s talk as delusional, but in recent years Hillary’s husband has developed a close personal friendship with the elder President George Bush as if 1992 never happened – suggesting a stronger tie between the two political families than one might imagine.

Last week, Bush invited top Beltway pundits – including ABC’s George Stephanopoulos – to the White House for a casual discussion. The media were told not to directly quote the President, but they could repeat what transpired in the talks. “Bush made no explicit election predictions,” reported the Post, “but clearly thought Clinton would win the Democratic nomination and talked in a way that seemed to suggest he expects her to succeed him – and will continue his Iraq policy if she does.”

That certainly flies in the face of how Democrats generally perceive Hillary Clinton – who has held a steady lead for the presidential nomination. Despite her initial support for the War, her refusal to apologize, and her late support for withdrawal, Democrats by a 2-1 margin think that she is more likely to get us out of Iraq. Clinton also pledged on yesterday’s “Meet the Press” that she will oppose further funding of the War as the Senate votes in the coming weeks.

But take a closer look at what Hillary says, and it is not certain what her plans would be about getting us out. Like the other candidates, she is crystal clear about saying she would begin withdrawal – but is vague about when all of our troops would come home. She promised on yesterday’s “Meet the Press” to “end our involvement” in Iraq, but qualified it “at the level that we’ve seen.” Clinton would have fewer troops than what we have right now, but her words imply keeping a residual force for an undetermined period of time.

Which is really not that different from what Bush – who has taken initial steps towards reducing the surge – told the Beltway reporters. “He indicated that he wants to use his final 16 months to stabilize Iraq enough,” said the Post, “and redefine the U.S. mission there so that the next president would feel politically able to keep a smaller but long-term presence in the country.”

Continued . . .

Welcom To The Bigger Picture


...If I were planning to destroy the agricultural cycle to make men into my slaves for food, here’s what I’d do...

1. Kill off the bees and the earthworms.

They are critical components without which the cycle of plant life is broken. Earthworms and bees are very important. Einstein said if we lose the bees we have 5 years left for humanity.

*This is done through petro-chemical fertilizers and pesticides known to be toxic to bees among other things. Most of the worms are already gone. I think Chemtrails and the frequencies they use have a lot to do with the bees.

The Bee Population is Plummetting.

2. Centralize all food production and distribution.

*Monsanto, Kraft, Sysco, SaveMart etc

Go to www.TheMeatrix.com and watch the 1st video. Small Farmers are being destroyed at a rapid rate. "Get Big or Get Out" is a common phrase around here. I live in farm country.

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Monsanto Sues and Places Gag Orders on Small Farmers

The Future of Food Introduction

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3. Release bio-weapons into the environment to destroy all private farming not owned by me using germ warfare and terminator seed stock.

*Monsanto self-terminating seeds, GMO crops, GMO Pollen, etc

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4. Create an economic collapse by printing fiat currency to pay debts during a war without limits against a vaguely defined enemy.

*Check and double check
Fiat Empire - A Closer Look at the Federal Reserve

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Frontlines - Fuel of War

5. Create my own private storage vault for seeds so I would control the world’s food supply in the resulting famine.

They just built this (or will being soon) underground on an island deep in the Arctic Ocean.

6. I would move all currency onto electronic chips and track everything with RFID-(Radio Frequency Identifier)

RFID is already here to stay, regardless of if you have heard of it or not. It is already in wide use throughout the world. They use it on babies, the elderly, prisoners, sex offenders, dogs, packages etc. People are getting them implanted into themselves on purpose. These chips will store ALL of your personal information on it. All of information, your "money", medical info....everything. And they are ALREADY being hacked. This can be hacked at a distance.

So, back to the food. You will need these chips/cards with chips to buy ANYTHING and be granted access to certain buildings. Well, if they turn your card off you not really welcome in many buildings anymore because you can't buy anything and barter is illegal because "you'r not paying taxes" so off to the debtors prison with you.

How RFID works

They are Already in US Passports

Rockefeller Interview & Real ID/RFID


RFID: Tracking Everything Part 1

The Rest of the Series

The Microchip-Alex Jones


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CCTV Expanding Its Reach
Britain takes the lead in the Surveillance Society

Yes,They Are Watching you

Even the Government's Information Tsar thinks things have gone too far – computer records on all children and fingerprint checks for motorists...
Iain Hollingshead investigates

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Hungry people will do or say anything to put something into their bellies.


There is only one course of action for free men worldwide and that is to GET READY AND GET ACTIVE.. Grow your own food. Support local farms. Buy Organics. Reject GMO foods altogether. It will be our ruin if we don't!

If you don't know where to start, start here:

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Add my other Page and Lets Start Talking Solutions:

Georgilla Only Solutions Gorilla

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Scientists ask: Where are all the bees?

A Dade City beekeeper sounds a nationwide alarm as colonies mysteriously disappear.
Published March 3, 2007

The Seeds of Change are Coming People

Do you Want Monsanto to Own Those Seeds???


Has a highly toxic cancerous agent contaminated Myrtle Beach's water supply? (Local News)

An article published by the Sun News today has revealed that there is a possiblity that our water supply has been contaminated with the highly toxic cancerous agent, Trichloroethylene.

The article goes on to say:

"Electronics manufacturer AVX illegally dumped groundwater laced with TCE, an industrial degreaser, into the sewer at its 17th Avenue South facility from at least 1985 to 1996".

"The earliest test for TCE that the city can find is from May 2000 - at least 15 years after AVX started dumping the water into the sewer."

The city used deep-water wells for its drinking water supply until a municipal water treatment plant went online in 1987. One of those wells is on land adjacent to AVX's facility on 17th Avenue South. Another is on 13th Avenue South, where TCE contamination was found in shallow groundwater.

TCE, which is heavier than water, sinks to the bottom of aquifers and forms large pools called plumes. It can take decades to treat and clean contaminated groundwater.

Geologists say the only way TCE could have gotten into the city's drinking water is if one of the deep-water wells located near shallow contamination was poorly grouted, and the toxic chemical went down the annular space between the well's casing and borehole wall.

AVX learned it had high levels of TCE contamination in groundwater at its property as early as 1991, but did not tell state regulators or city officials about the problem until 14 years later.

When I did some searching online to see what effects TCE has on the body, I found this:

Trichloroethylene is one of the chemicals suspected of causing a cluster of childhood leukemia cases due to drinking water contamination in the town of Woburn, Massachusetts, in the early 1980s. The subsequent lawsuit against the polluting company was the subject of the 1995 book and 1998 film, A Civil Action. Source

We have to do do something about this! If anyone out there knows where to find epidemiological studies on leukemia cases in Myrtle Beach than PLEASE let me or the author, (Contact DAVID WREN at 626-0281 or dwren@thesunnews.com) know!


Full Sun News Article
Click Here

Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US

Agence France-PressePublished: Thursday December 20, 2007

The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said Wednesday.

"We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us," long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy, gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington for a news conference.

A delegation of Lakota leaders delivered a message to the State Department on Monday, announcing they were unilaterally withdrawing from treaties they signed with the federal government of the United States, some of them more than 150 years old.

They also visited the Bolivian, Chilean, South African and Venezuelan embassies, and will continue on their diplomatic mission and take it overseas in the coming weeks and months, they told the news conference.

Continued . . .

NH GOP drops sponsorship of FOX debate


The New Hampshire Republican Party dropped their affiliation with a Republican debate sponsored by Fox News tomorrow night because they have limited the number of candidates that can participate.

The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field," said Republican chair Fergus Cullen. "Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures."

The Fox debate is excluding Texas Congressman Ron Paul even though he polls higher in New Hampshire and has raised significantly more money, and is campaigning more in New Hampshire than Fred Thompson who is invited.
